Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Let's try this again

I'm not exactly new to blogging, though never was a SUPASTAR at it, either.

I've tried my hand at it twice before but for one reason or another I let them fall to the wayside.

Over the past year or so, I've had several friends (and even my father) compliment my writing style and encourage me to "get serious" about it. Most recently, my awesome friend Kim @ Beautiful Wreck has gently and kindly pushed me to blog on more than one occasion. Coming from such a talented writer and wonderful woman and friend, as she is, that's saying a lot.

As Kim knows, the last year of my life has been topsy-turvy, to say the least. During that time, I grew a great deal. . . . emotionally, intellectually, spiritually. My life is full, busy, eventful for sure. Plenty of fodder for writing can always be found somewhere in the daily routine. It's those moments I hope to focus on here - moments as a wife, mom, woman....as a person like any other who sometimes is just trying to get through the day. Other times I might be blatantly struggling. Even still, there will be those wonderful, never-enough times of joy, love and sweetness.

So I figured I might as well give it one more shot.

They say the third time really is the charm.
I guess we'll just have to see......

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